Asustor ADM Configuration and Executable Files

One of my problems on Asustor ADM is to find files. Therefore, I will maintain and update this list regularly.


apache2.conf /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/apache2/apache2.conf
apc.ini /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini
my.cnf /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/mysql/my.cnf
php.ini /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
/usr/local/AppCentral/php/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini (PHP 5.5.3 R2)
smb.conf /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/samba/smb.conf


apache /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/init.d/S54apache2
ipkg /opt/bin/ipkg
Use with root
ipkg install [package name]
ipkg remove [package name]
iptables /volume0/usr/builtin/sbin/iptables
memecached /volume0/usr/builtin/bin/memcached
mysql /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/init.d/S55mysql
mysql shell /volume0/usr/builtin/bin/mysql
php cli

Log Files

apache error /volume0/usr/builtin/var/log/apache2/error_log

Other Files

apache modules /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/apache2/mods-available/
boot auto execute scripts /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/init.d/
php modules /volume0/usr/builtin/lib/php/20090626/
/volume1/.@plugins/AppCentral/php/lib/php/20121212/ (PHP 5.5.3 R2)
/usr/local/AppCentral/php/lib/php/20121212/ (PHP 5.5.3 R2)
session files /tmp
web pages /volume1/Web/
Owner: admin


  1. When use ssh to login, use ssh root@[IP] or some files won’t be executable or editable.
  2. The web admin must be login with port 8000 by default.


  1. Asustor ADM

13 thoughts on “Asustor ADM Configuration and Executable Files

  1. Beware, the configuration files in /volume0 are backups in case a factory reset is done. The running configuration can be found in /usr (for example, MySQL’s my.cnf can be found in /usr/builtin/etc/mysql/my.cnf)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually, some user settings are stored in the /volume0 tree. Also, quite a few files in /, /etc and /usr are actually symlinks to their /volume0 counterpart; for instance /etc/nas.conf is symlinked to volume0/etc/nas.conf which holds the ‘settings’ done via the ADM GUI.

      If you try ‘ls -la /usr’ you’ll see that /usr/builtin is actually symlinked to /volume0/usr/builtin. So your example /usr/builtin/etc/mysql/my.cnf is actually /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/mysql/my.cnf.

      Rather than considering /volume0 a “backup” it is better considered as the non-volatile part of the running system: the settings and configuration stored there will be preserved across a reboot.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dear Marjolein,

        Thank you for sharing this with us. It helps to learn more about these configuration files. 🙂

        Have a nice day!

        Best regards,



    1. Dear Deli,

      It is still in beta. Many libraries are still not available yet. I do have problem with the new APCu library last time.

      Have a nice day!

      Best regards,



  2. Hi, I’m trying to edit the /volume0/usr/builtin/etc/apache2/error
    to change the standard 404 page but I really don’t know how to access to volume0.

    Can you please help me?
    (If it is possible I need a very very simple guide)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Gianluigi Loffreda,

      You need to enable SSH login in ADM and use ssh command to login to your Asus NAS. You may google ssh for detail. You might need to install extra programs to use ssh in Windows.

      Once login, change directory and use vi to edit error page. You may google vi for related commands.

      Wish it helps!

      Best regards,



      1. Really thanks Amigo, I’m trying to correctly edit my php.ini to make mail() function works under wordpress, using the mail server on the NAS but it seems not so easy as I hoped.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Dear Gianluigi Loffreda,

        It’s not a good ideas to use QNAP as NAS due to its limited protection. It has TCP Wrapper but no iptable.

        Besides, mail is more complex than it used to be. You need to follow many different standard to keep you out from a black list.

        I suggest you use gmail as your mail server for testing. This is what I have done before.

        P.S. I manage Postfix on Linux about 15 years before. 🙂

        Have a nice day!

        Best regards,



  3. Hi Amigo! This page on Asustor ADM has helped me in the past – thanks! However, I believe some of the directories have changed since then. I’m looking for the file name (and directory) that is used to edit the web port that ADM listens to. The default is 80 I believe but I want to change that. Do you have any info on the file name and location?


  4. Do you know how to autostart program after the Asustor is bootup, i try to autostart kodi after the nas is boot by putting the startup script in crontab using @reboot but it doesn’t seem to works.

    @reboot /volume1/.@plugins/AppCentral/kodi/


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